
Second Engineer on Fishing Protection (FPV)

Sea Jobs details

2nd Engineer Vacancy


2nd Engineer


4 months

150.00 GBP/daily

Temporary 2nd Engineer required for Fishery Protection Vessel operating Falklands.
Contract initially for four months but could be extended, dependant on performance
Certificates required:
1. 2nd Engineer Unlimited or higher (UK CoC)
2. ENG1 (Unrestricted)
3. STCW AFF, FF, PST & PSCRB - Refreshed to 2010
4. Elementary First Aid
5. Medical First Aid
6. Personal and Social Responsibility (if held)
7. Security Awareness / Designated Security Duties
8. Passport
9. Discharge Book
Paid travel days.
Travel paid for.

Job Summary

Published on: 2020-07-16 06:00:10

Vacancy ID: 66784

Contract duration: 4 months


Start date: 04.08.2020

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