
Third Engineer on Dredger

Sea Jobs details

3rd Engineer Vacancy


3rd Engineer



2 weeks

176.00 GBP/daily

Position: 3rd Engineer
Contract Type: Temporary
Vessel type: Dredger
Date From: 25/10/17
Date To: 08/11/17
Pay: £176.00 per day Gross

Certificates required:
1. OOW Engineer Unlimited or higher (UK CoC)
2. ENG1 (Unrestricted)
3. STCW AFF, FF, PST & PSCRB - Refreshed to 2010
4. Elementary First Aid
5. Medical First Aid
6. Personal and Social Responsibility (if held)
7. Designated Security Duties
8. Passport
9. Discharge Book

Candidates must hold all of the above documentation and time served as OOW engineer.

Previous dredging experience would be desirable.

Job Summary

Published on: 2017-10-19 06:00:09

Vacancy ID: 36167

Contract duration: 2 weeks


Start date: 25.10.2017

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