
Chief Engineer on Ro-Pax

Sea Jobs details

Chief Engineer Vacancy


Chief Engineer



6 months

20.00 GBP/

Position: Chief Engineer
Vessel type: Ro pax
Date From: ASAP
Contract duration: Temporary for 6 months
Tour of Duty: 35-37 hours per week
Trading area: UK in shore waters
Salary: £20.00 per hour (during familiarisation) £27.00 per hour after familiarisation

Certificates required:
1. 2nd Engineer Unlimited or higher (UK CoC / CEC)
2. ENG1 (Unrestricted)
3. Security Awareness / Proficiency in Designated Security,
4. Fire Fighting (Advanced), Prof in survival craft, Personal Survival Techniques, Basic Fire Fighting – Refreshed to 2010
5. Medical First Aid
6. Elementary First Aid

Candidates will need to live within commuting distance of the client’s office in Hampshire, as there will be no accommodation available on board.
Time served as sole engineer or chief engineer is required

Travel expenses are not covered

Job Summary

Published on: 2017-07-17 06:00:05

Vacancy ID: 31677

Contract duration: 6 months


Start date: 21.07.2017

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